Geographic Focus: Global South/Developing World

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79 results returned.
It aims to help schools address the needs of their students, promoting the integration of Target 4.7 and other social and emotional learning themes into educational materials. Ut does so...

An open platform for think tanks contributing "to the global dialogue on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its ultimate aim is to address the existing ‘knowledge asymmetry’ and ‘participation deficit’...

A global network of environmental economics research centers who aim to solve the world’s most pressing environmental and development challenges. It contributes to effective management of the environment in the...

It works "to raise awareness and encourage dialogue on issues that span the environment, animals and sustainable development." It focuses on countries in the global South and has a strong...

A think tank affiliated "to the Institute of International Relations of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)." Its research areas are "the study and analysis of global transformations and their...

A research and policy center on economic development in low- and middle income countries, with a particular emphasis on transition in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe....

The UN Global Programme assists “member States in their struggle against cyber-related crimes through capacity building and technical assistance.” It’s designed to “respond flexibly to identified needs in developing countries...

The part of the UN that is responsible for "bringing humanitarians together to effectively respond to emergencies." It aims to "mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership...

It designs and designs and implements projects to strengthen local governments in their various fields of competence. It supports "decentralization processes and facilitate decentralized cooperation" and  works on strengthening local...

An “international partnership of 48 developing countries that are highly vulnerable to a warming planet” working together to tackle “global climate change to survive in thrive.” It serves as a...