Content Type: Organizations

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3186 results returned.
The Northern Research Forum (University of Akureyri; northern-research-forum) Based at UNAK, the NRF is a part of the University so it is operated from there, in line with the University’s...

An autonomous and multidisciplinary center for advanced research and training. It "is one of India's leading academic institutions in the fields of economic and social development."  

A global social innovation youth enterprise impacting the sustainable development process. They combine "grassroots action with advocacy at the highest levels of policy making to create a just, equitable, peaceful...

An Italian non-profit association striving "to foster open transdisciplinary inquiry into current science-based conceptions of the human being and his and her world." It "offers Educational Programs, Publications, and Consulting...

An international coalition "established in order to achieve global peace and reconciliation in all areas of conflict, in all societies and nations by promoting the implementation of the UN resolutions...

An independent non-profit organization dedicated to environmental protection, ecological civilization, green development and biodiversity in China and all around the globe. It engages in lobbying the conservation work to community...

A Portuguese institution dedicated to the promotion of the arts, philanthropy, science, and education. It develops a wide range of activities in Portugal and abroad through its own projects, or...

It supports a "holistic approach to democracy promotion that spans from the local to the global levels and at the same time embraces the dimensions of representation, participation, deliberation and...

It works to unite NGOs worldwide in the cause of advancing peace and global well-being. It helps "to provide the mechanism and support needed for NGOs to connect, partner up...

It's one of the “world’s leading conservation organizations,” best known for its panda logo. It's mission is to “conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of...