Old Subject: Global Security

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19 results returned.
It applies "fundamental insights with a systematic lens to find attractive, unique investment opportunities across multi-asset class, ESG, alternative alpha, managed volatility, and long-only strategies." Acadian’s systematic investment strategies aim...

It conducts data-driven analysis and evidence-based reporting on global conflict and transnational security issues. Using cutting-edge technologies it manages, integrates, and analyzes data from various languages, regions, and sources, along...

The Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development is “an international non-profit public policy think-tank.” It strives to “provide high-quality, independent research and analysis, as well as innovative and practical...

It is the ETH Zurich University's division that addresses Swiss and international security policy challenges, contributing to global peace. It aims to connect theory and practice through services such as...

Based at Fordham University School of Law, it provides tools to better understand national security issues, with a special focus on terrorism. It has hosted >80 public events on topics...

Chicago Project on Security and Threats (2004; University of Chicago; 62 staff; cpost.uchicago.edu) The Chicago Project on Security and Threats is an “international non-partisan security affairs research institute based at...

CFR is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious...

Global Security is an elusive term with several definitions. According to Ken Booth, Global Security Threats can be divided into global existential threats and global emancipatory threats. Global existential threats,...

Note: This is a preliminary version that will be updated soon. The 21st century has proved itself as very complicated. As a result, international institutions and national actors struggle to...

It's mission is to heighten public awareness of the profound impact of energy dependency on the economy and security. It aims to explore technological and policy solutions that could transition...