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258 results returned.
“Europe’s leading climate change communicator,” aiming “to increase public understanding and awareness" of climate change. Social scientists and communication specialists focused on climate change communication; based in UK but with...

Is an independent non-profit advisory organization and think tank. It seeks to improve energy and land use policies throughout the world with a particular focus on tracking global climate finance. CPI...

It is focused on building political will and public support for bold climate action." It does this by integrating "hard-hitting research, polling, state and national earned media, digital and paid...

A worldwide group of psychotherapists that promotes facing difficult truths about climate, holding “the tension between hope and despair,” and addressing feelings of existential shame: the group enables discussions on...

It aims "to contribute to an accelerated transition to a clean economy and to chase attractive risk-adjusted returns for stockholders." For this reason, "CRIS1 and CRIS2 are blank check companies...

A non-profit organization founded by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is focused on climate change advocacy and education. It strives to “catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis”...

Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions is affiliated with Columbia University’s Earth Institute. It aims to “halt the global march toward catastrophic climate change via a strategy that leads as rapidly...

Note: This is a preliminary version that will be updated soon. Climate Security centers its attention on the "maintenance of the local and the planetary biosphere as the essential support...

The Climate Technology Centre & Network is "the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, hosted by the UN Environment Programme and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)." The Centre...

It is a "source of evidence and images for over 350 climate change and environmental groups, journalists, educators and businesses."   Publications: Collections News Evidence Newsletter