Subject: Transformation/Change

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234 results returned.
Is a platform that aims to "connect energy technologies, policies, and markets" in order to "accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy economy." Consequently, it "advocates progressive energy policies" and...

It supports the actions of civil society movements and organisations in favour of a social and ecological transition." Programs: Regional Integration, Peace and Cooperation Territorialised Sustainable Food Systems Territories and...

A center dedicated to "transform the current linear system for supply/use into a new Technology Metals Circular Economy system and network." It conducts new interdisciplinary research on key interventions to...

It's tackling persistent issues that can create significant change. It supports and funds early-stage innovation, implements major community programs, and advocates for policy change at national and international forums. Its...

MIT’s hub for energy research, education, and outreach that "links science, innovation, and policy to transform the world's energy systems." It works to "develop low- and no-carbon solutions to efficiently,...

A non-profit organization that "envisions a food system in which healthy, sustainable and affordable food is produced without harming animals or the environment." Consequently, it seeks  “to transform global food culture...

The climate activist group in the US is focused on fighting natural gas leaks. The mothers, grandmothers, and other caregivers unite to make climate change an issue our leaders can...

An organization that "inspires and engages in transformative action towards the liberation and restoration of land, labor, and culture." It is "rooted in vibrant social movements led by low-income communities...

The " alliance of grassroots organizations advocates for federal policy reform to advance the sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, and rural communities." They envision a world with a...

The "small, highly focused strategic advisory firm" works to help "companies prosper by taking sustainability seriously, and taking it deep—building substantial economic value by delivering substantial social and biological value."...