Subject: Systems Thinking & Analysis

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55 results returned.
It's mission to address shared systemic problems and global changes by bringing together researchers, industry professionals, policymakers, students, NGOs, citizens, and other stakeholders through its Policy Network. It provides thought-leadership...

The Global Tipping Points Report 2023 explores potential tipping points, which are sudden, potentially irreversible changes in the Earth's system or society triggered by minor fluctuations in factors like temperature...

The academic and business center at Rochester Institute of Technology was founded “with a $10M grant from B. Thomas Golisano.” It partners with business and government sponsors to tackle “critical...

Introduces the Positive Peace framework, which notably includes eight pillars: a robust government, fair resource distribution, open information flow, good neighbourly relations, high human capital, low corruption, a solid business...

It advocates for environmental/climate justice and food sovereignty in Nigeria and Africa at large due to it's “ecological-minded thinking, rooted in an ideology of living in harmony with nature and...

The  magazine views the pandemic as “a world-shattering event whose far-ranging consequences…will lead to permanent shifts in political and economic power in ways that will become apparent only later.”  It...

It is "dedicated to bringing new approaches to global problems that have long been considered intractable"; directing its "efforts to change the systems that contribute to problems like human trafficking,...

A think tank focused on peace, conflict, and risk studies. Its goal is to reshape global peace perceptions through data-driven research, consulting, and training. The IEP, as a respected advisor,...

It's mission is to develop participatory processes and systemic methodologies for transforming people's capacity to address complex societal issues and realize their highest aspirations for greater social good.

Is a forum that “addresses complex, messy, seemingly intractable issues – local, global and all levels in between – fostering practical hope and wise initiative.” It “supports people making a...