Subject: Resilience

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33 results returned.
It was launched by the SDSN to mobilize and coordinate the knowledge and science across SDSN networks in support of a sustainable and resilient European Recovery. A network comprising 19...

The non-profit environmental organization works to make the "nation’s food and fuel systems more efficient and resilient." They use "public education to reduce oil usage and increase food availability in...

Sustainable Endowments Institute (2005; Boston; 3 staff; Is a project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors conducting “research, education and outreach to advance resilient institutional responses to the climate crisis.” Initiatives:...

It works to reduce climate pollution on a large scale. It envisions "a future in which everyone in California has access to clean air and water, renewable and reliable energy,...

A multi-purpose organization that "exists to inspire and empower a global community to make the world safer through resilient infrastructure." Its work approach is "through learning by doing in collaboration...

The "non-partisan non-profit organization is affiliated with the Sustainability Institute at Willamette University."  Though it's  also "engaged in numerous partnerships and work with academic institutions, non-profits, private firms, and government...

It is “a UK-based, globally-focused charity which supports the Transition movement by ”encouraging communities to come together “to reimagine and rebuild our world.” It relies on “communities stepping up to address the...

“Anticipate, Absorb, Reshape (A2R) is a global multi-stakeholder initiative that strengthens climate resilience for vulnerable countries and people.“ It promotes the focus on the three name-giving key capacities: “Anticipate: Capacity...

It aims to promote the "accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries." The network does this by providing...

As a UN Environment Collaborating Centre, UNEP DTU Partnership is actively engaged in implementing UN Environment’s Climate Change Strategy and Energy Programme. It is a "leading international research and advisory...