Subject: Plastic

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22 results returned.
A sobering detailed, comprehensive, and richly referenced and illustrated analysis that asserts that, whether measured by its present scale or projected growth, the existing plastic economy is fundamentally inconsistent with...

A for-profit social enterprise building "recycling ecosystems in under-developed communities in an effort to fight both plastic pollution in oceans, as well as high poverty levels in developing countries." Notablly,...

An international organisation that "works with research, education, political and public campaigns to raise awareness about the growing plastic pollution in the oceans and the water environment." Publications: Documentation Solutions...

A non-profit organization "dedicated to ending plastic pollution and fostering sustainable communities worldwide." Works through supportive programs aligned to its mission "to inspire and incite action that can lead to...

The Problem “In 2019, the production and incineration of plastic added more than 850 million metric tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Current plans for plastic production and use...

It focuses on eradicating plastic pollution from the oceans. Their dedication lies in halting the flow of plastic waste into water bodies and raising awareness about the detrimental effects of...

Despite increased awareness and regulation, the Plastic Waste Makers Index 2023 reveals that single-use plastic waste and its associated greenhouse gas emissions are at an all-time high. In this sense,...

Race for Water (2010; Lausanne; 12 staff; An "organisation dedicated to the preservation of water and the oceans" through investigation in the field and with scientific experts to alert...

An international trade association representing the plastics recycling industry. Goals: Developing protocols for packaging design for greater recyclability. Improving the quality of postconsumer plastics entering the system. Fostering a strong...

More than 11 million tons of plastic pollute the oceans yearly. There is an urgent need to amplify current efforts through a more coordinated and ambitious approach. Asserts that a...