Subject: Humanitarian

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44 results returned.
A global initiative of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which provides grants and guidance. This allows them to pursue "cooperative-building and-strengthening activities target governance, leadership, gender empowerment, youth...

A non-profit organization dedicated to "the promotion of sustainable development through direct humanitarian action, transforming social and economic conditions of underserved communities, globally." It is dedicated to "elevating and empowering...

A platform for research and a forum for sharing perspectives and experiences. It explores "the intersections between the historically separate fields of humanitarianism, development, human rights, and conflict resolution". Topics:...

An organization that advocates for lifesaving assistance and the "protection of displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises." It also challenges governments, policymakers, and administrations to improve their lives...

A research center that works with policy practitioners, academics, and students to generate conflict resolution and war recovery solutions. It hosts research collaborations and US Department of State diplomats and...

Is a non-profit organization acting as the “successor of the Sphere Project, a time-bound initiative of multiple humanitarian agencies.” It created a Humanitarian Charter as well as a widely known and internationally recognized...

It is a government agency under the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Its goal is to contribute to poverty alleviation, allowing poor people to improve their living conditions. The agency works...

It is the world's food programme "leading humanitarian organization", with efforts focusing on "emergency assistance, relief and rehabilitation, development aid and special operations." They also help "countries and the most...

An agency of the United Nations dedicated to improving the health, nutrition, education, and general well-being of children. It plays a crucial role in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data to...

Its main responsibility is to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to registered Palestine refugees in its designated areas of operation. UNRWA offers various services, such as primary and vocational education,...