Subject: Food

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170 results returned.
The the membership-based business association for organic agriculture and products in North America." It's "member organic businesses work together through networking, advocacy, and other initiatives to encourage and protect organic...

It works to put food systems at the forefront of solving the climate problem as a companion to the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement. It seeks to reverse the extensive deterioration of important...

Before the pandemic, >820 million people were identified as chronically food insecure, with 135 million people categorized as crisis level or worse.  That number could nearly double by the end...

It is dedicated to transforming the global food system and aims to replace half of all animal products with plant-based and cultivated alternatives by 2040. It is committed to addressing...

It is dedicated to the verification "organic integrity throughout the supply chain, helping to assure compliance with organic standards for brands, agricultural producers, processing facilities, manufacturing operations, "copacking" operations, traders,...

Its vision is to enable Queensland and Australia to become globally recognized leaders in high-impact subtropical and tropical agrifood research and knowledge leadership. They aim to enhance the competitiveness and...

Is an international non-profit organization working in over 70 countries to “conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior.” RA works with forward-thinking...

An international research project "engineering crops to be more productive by improving photosynthesis." It works to equip farmers with higher-yielding crops, that "can ensure that everyone has enough food to...

A nonprofit project of the Organic Consumers Association. It strives to "promote, facilitate and accelerate the global transition to regenerative food, farming, and land management for the purpose of restoring...

Philanthropic fundraising services working at multiple scales, weaving action-focused collaboration among grassroots organizations, funders, and key actors to develop the human capacity to live in the right relationship with the...