Subject: Environment

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638 results returned.
Is a private foundation working "to support organizations that are making sustainable, positive change for Vermont’s environment and its people.” It provides Vermonters with the “information and resources they need...

It is an international network and partnership whose mission is to enhance the protection, restoration, and rehabilitation of lakes, wetlands, and other freshwater bodies around the world and their catchment...

The 12th edition the World Wildlife Fund's biennial flagship report, provides the latest data of the Living Planet Index, which tracked over 4,000 vertebrate species in the 1970-2014 period.  The...

It has a revolutionary new approach to thinking about building in the ocean; aiming to make sure that no new development projects are carried out without first considering how they...

It works as both a connector between NGOs, influencers, corporations, and policymakers and an incubator for bold ideas that drive impactful market and policy change on behalf of the ocean....

It develops practical solutions to environmental and health problems and helps to advance fundamental changes that lead to a safer and more secure world. It does so by challenging ourselves...

This report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development highlights the value of natural ecosystems in economic growth and good practices in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. They focus on...

Is a foundation supporting "efforts to enhance the quality of life and prevent and relieve the suffering of children, families, and seniors." It also works to "preserve the environment, promote...

A global initiative "composed of regional networks of scientists, resource managers, and end-users working to integrate data from existing long-term programs to improve our understanding of changes and connections between...

A community of ocean lovers all that "fights for the future of our ocean through people-powered action – with science on its side. Working with communities, businesses and governments, it...