Geographic Focus: Focus Area

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538 results returned.
A network comprising 19 national and regional networks of universities and knowledge institutions spread across the continent. The network promotes aligning European policies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs and...

It promotes sustainable land management and analyzes the economic impact of land degradation on a global scale. The initiative emphasizes the importance of sustainable land management and envisions a world...

It combines "economic data analytics and policy insight to help decision-makers in both the public and private sectors understand global trends." The group analyzes global trends using economic data and...

A non-profit organization working to protect wildlife and natural areas, ensure clean air and water for all and address the devastating effects of climate change. It also publishes Sierra, a...

It's committed to bolstering the media sector in Europe, advocating for an engaged EU media policy, media independence, pluralism, and language diversity. It has contributed to numerous projects aimed at...

It studies the impact of public policies, focusing on employment and economic growth. Its main objective is to disseminate these findings to the public. In addition to sharing its research,...

It focuses on rural development and poverty reduction through global access to solar energy. It also empowers individuals through initiatives such as training young entrepreneurs, job creation, and offering microcredits....

It empowers young individuals to shape a diverse and democratic Europe actively. The foundation envisions a Europe formed by the ideas and actions of its young citizens, providing platforms to...

It focuses on U.S. foreign policy in the Near East, aiming to promote a balanced understanding of American interests in the Middle East and advocate their protection. The institute regularly...

It promotes human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. It represents 46 member states, 27 of which are from the EU, giving it significant influence. Its research spans various...