Content Type: Organizations

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3130 results returned.
A non-governmental organization dedicated to "advocate for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women and girls." It strove to put significant international pressure on governments to enforce...

An institute “dedicated to promoting positive relations between the U.S. and China to advance global environmental protection and sustainable economic growth in both countries.” Programs in China focus on improving...

An international, non-partisan network of finance sector professionals interested in long-term investing, seeking "to focus research and debate on the underlying causes of financial market instability and on development of...

A global framework for the insurance industry to address environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities. It strives is the vision of a "risk-aware world, where the insurance industry is...

It works to build inclusive urban climate change resilience, which focuses on the poor and vulnerable people that are affected by climate change. It is committed to "empowering people to...

An owner-managed private bank investing in future movers such as "sustainable investments in the financial market and also pays attention to a positive footprint in other activities". "advises private clients,...

A real estate investment, development and asset management firm working socially responsible real estate investment through the confluence of environmental, social and investment value. Publications: News  

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) serves as Secretariat to the Principles, that "are voluntary process guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure and promote integrity in the development of the...

It is committed to further developing the social market economy into an ecological-social market economy. It sees itself as "a space for political and economic discussions from which positive impulses...

The Belfer Centre's Program  works to address "the most pressing threats to U.S. national interest and international security." It supports "young scholars with its fellowship program and sponsors and edits...