Content Type: Organizations

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3130 results returned.
An international foundation part of the BNP Paribas bank supporting projects in arts, solidarity and the environment. Issue areas: Culture Environment Inclusion  

Is the UN Conference on Trade and Development’s biennial, a multi-stakeholder gathering to facilitate dialogue/action on emerging investment-related challenges. It is organized by UNCTAD’s Division on Investment and Enterprise, which...

An independent and non-profit organization that provides services for peace, justice and dignity through the accompaniment and strengthening of social actors and the articulation of local processes and initiatives for...

A think tank that promotes national and international policies to curtail cross-border flows of illegal money through "high-calibre analyses of illicit financial flows" and "effective policy solutions." Issue areas: Illicit...

A global network of more than "400 member organizations and a community of thousands of Catholics organizations" that towards the "Pope’s call to action in the Laudato Si’ encyclical" to...

A global intelligence and security consultancy that identifies, assesses, and operates in high-risk, high-opportunity environments.  Staffed by decorated and experienced officers from the intelligence sector (FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6), the...

“An independent network of banks using finance to deliver sustainable economic, social and environmental development.” It also provides learning and development opportunities for senior executives and talented banking professionals at...

A "global network of organizations working on illicit financial flows." It seeks "to curtail illicit financial flows through the promotion of a transparent, accountable and sustainable financial system that works...

A “local, regional, and national catalyst for change through the use of accessible media and information.” It strives for a “pacific region where there is gender justice, ecological sustainability, peace,...

Is an organization that “focuses on reducing environmentally harmful subsidies and labour taxes, while increasing taxes on pollution and on non-renewable resources – and doing so in a socially equitable...