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Rewiring America: A Field Manual for the Climate Fight addresses the climate emergency by highlighting solutions. It outlines strategies to combat climate change and underscores the importance of well-informed decisions...

A brief and well-referenced report calling for states to make an immediate and large investment "into vote-by-mail capacity and provision of emergency, early, in-person voting centers. Verification of traceable ballots...

“The crisis has been unprecedented in its scope and scale, (but) has not affected all countries and all people in the same way,” and setbacks need not be permanent.  It...

COVID has caused immense suffering in our cities, exacerbating a wider social and economic crisis that has wiped out 400 million full-time jobs in the second quarter of 2020. It...

Before the pandemic, >820 million people were identified as chronically food insecure, with 135 million people categorized as crisis level or worse.  That number could nearly double by the end...

COVID-19 disinformation has real-world harms to public health (claims about magical solutions and disinfectants), specific groups (Chinese cover-up Jewish elite, Aryan immunity), and public order (police state, vaccine mind control,...

On May 26, the EU proposed a major recovery plan to help repair the economic and social damage by the COVID pandemic, kick-start European recovery, and protect and create jobs. ...

The GAO,  a nonpartisan investigative office of the Congress, conducted this report in response to the Trump administration's move to assume substantially lower social costs of carbon emissions as the...

One of 31 projects supported by the European Union's Civil Society Support Programme, an initiative that is part of the Negotiation Framework Document, which constitutes the basis of the negotiations...

Part 5 of The CIDRAP Viewpoint focuses on surveillance—the ongoing and systematic collection and analysis of data—as “the cornerstone of public health practice.” To have a meaningful impact, the data...