Rewiring America: A Field Manual for the Climate Fight

Publication Date

July 29, 2020

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Rewiring America

Rewiring America: A Field Manual for the Climate Fight addresses the climate emergency by highlighting solutions. It outlines strategies to combat climate change and underscores the importance of well-informed decisions to reduce carbon emissions effectively. The manual suggests substantial changes, like replacing gas or oil-burning systems with electric ones, to cut household carbon pollution significantly. It also points out the role of individual actions in climate change mitigation alongside government and corporate initiatives. The book offers practical advice on transitioning to electric appliances, enhancing home energy efficiency, and promoting a cleaner environment through the electrification of daily life.

This analysis lays out a pathway towards the electrification of the US economy using today’s technology. They aim to answer the question: “What is the best climate outcome we can achieve?” Rewiring America

Main pathways:

  • Layout how to use existing technologies to achieve a sustainable tripling in US electricity production
  • Policy change that accounts for the actual cost of energy production (damages done by fossil fuels)
  • Finance the transition through government-supported climate loans

Also see: How to drive fossil fuels out of the US economy, quickly, a Vox article dealing with the broader theme of electrifying the US.

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