Old Subject: International Cooperation

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63 results returned.
An organization that facilitates "cooperation amongst Icelandic public and private organizations, institutions, businesses and bodies involved in Arctic issues – among other things in research, education, innovation, and monitoring, or...

It's mission is to develop participatory processes and systemic methodologies for transforming people's capacity to address complex societal issues and realize their highest aspirations for greater social good.

It acts in favour of cultural heritage in conflict areas via an aid programme which enables it to be flexible and to react quickly. The international cooperation initiative has been...

An international network working to "enhance quality of life and economic well-being by supporting and promoting sustainable transport in urban areas worldwide." It represents "1,600 member companies from the fields...

An international nongovernmental organization "created following the Center for Compared Law Studies in Strasbourg. It aims to to bring together "environmental lawyers from all around the world, to help the...

An international nonprofit organization specialized in transitional justice. It works to help societies in transition from violence in "considering measures to provide truth, accountability, and redress for past abuses." Work...

Is an NGO, which is composed of “an international committee of experts in robotics technology, artificial intelligence, robot ethics, international relations, international security, arms control, international humanitarian law, human rights...

It's "exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance." It also "endeavours...

A nonprofit educational foundation which "acts as secretariat to the leadership of the bipartisan U.S. Congressional International Conservation Caucus." ICCF "advances leadership in international conservation through public and private partnerships,...

A global network of non-governmental organizations striving to "make humanitarian action more principled and effective." Consequently, it works "collectively and independently to influence policy and practice." Currently, it represents a...