2024 Social Progress Index

Publication Date

January 11, 2024

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2024 Social Progress Index

A tool that effectively measures the social performance of 170 countries using 12 components and 57 indicators. Alarmingly, the report reveals a global decline in social progress, with significant drops in 61 countries and stagnation in 77 others. As a result, four-fifths of the world’s population live in regions where social progress is either stagnating or declining. 2024 Social Progress Index

Further, this downturn is mainly attributed to worsening health, limited access to information and communication, diminished rights, and suppressed voice. Notably, the United States, France, and Canada have all experienced a dip in social progress since 2022, with the European Union surpassing the US. It stresses the urgent need to address these social issues, especially in the forthcoming global elections, which will see four billion people casting their votes. Here’s a summary of its key points:

Measuring Social Progress

  • The SPI utilizes 12 components and 57 indicators to evaluate the performance of 170 countries in full and an additional 26 countries partially. These components encompass basic needs, health, education, opportunity, and environmental quality.
  • By analyzing these indicators, the SPI provides a holistic understanding of a country’s social progress beyond economic development.

2024 Rankings

  • Norway maintains the top spot with a score of 90.74, indicating exceptional social progress across all measured dimensions.
  • Denmark follows closely with a score of 90.54, excelling in areas like water, sanitation, and basic medical care.
  • Finland ranks third with a score of 90.46, demonstrating strong performance in education and opportunity.

Key Trends

  • The report allows for comparisons across countries over time, highlighting areas where progress is accelerating or stagnating.
  • The 2024 SPI may reveal specific trends in social development, such as:
    • Focus on mental health: The report highlights the growing recognition of mental well-being as a key aspect of social progress. Investments in early education and accessible mental health services could be emphasized.
    • Education equity: The report might explore challenges and opportunities regarding equitable access to quality education for all citizens.
    • Environmental sustainability: The link between social progress and environmental health may be addressed, highlighting the need for sustainable development strategies.

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