Subject: Human Rights

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93 results returned.
The UN75 People's Dialogue of 2020 built the Interim Pact for the Future: 2023 Civil Society Perspectives on the Summit of the Future, offering recommendations in seven areas. The report...

An international organization that works with the global legal community to promote and protect human rights and the independence of the legal profession worldwide. Committees and Divisions: Legal Practice Division...

An international nonprofit organization specialized in transitional justice. It works to help societies in transition from violence in "considering measures to provide truth, accountability, and redress for past abuses." Work...

It's primary mission is to bolster civil society activism in advocating for women's rights, peace, and human security in regions affected by conflict, transition, and restricted political environments. It strives...

A global NGO dedicated to human rights, law, and law enforcement. IJM collaborates with local authorities in 18 countries to address issues such as trafficking, slavery, and violence against vulnerable...

Founded by five students at the Yale Law School this non-profit has spread to 29 law schools in the US and Canada. In 2010 the project joined the Urban Justice...

A human rights non-profit organization working to support displaced and conflict-affected communities. Consequently, it strives to "promote and protect human rights in conflict and displacement, through research, advocacy and meaningful...

It works to "promote the recognition, respect, and implementation of Indigenous Peoples' rights to land, cultural integrity, and development on their own terms."  It does so "through documentation, capacity development...

It "promotes the human rights and religious liberty of ethnic and religious minorities such as those in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Nigeria, China, North Korea, and others";  assisting individuals...

It provides rigorous analysis of issues related to security, democracy, foreign policy, and human rights. Its goal has been to promote practical and principled solutions to challenges faced by decision-makers...