Subject: Democracy/Rule of Law

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97 results returned.
It aims to transform the World through conversations and connections, with a focus on global learning. Through its platform, teachers can connect with their students and the planet. It was...

The Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption is a nonprofit organization and "international network of parliamentarians dedicated to good governance and combating corruption throughout the world." It was founded as...

A grassroots volunteering network initiated by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, which is protecting the Delaware River Watershed. It strives to "pursue and secure constitutional protection of environmental rights in states...

Is an “independent and non-partisan journal” that works to “provide extensive coverage of the global political movements for ecological responsibility and expanded democracy.” Areas of interest: Ecology Beyond the U.S. Civic...

Is a nonprofit organization that “represents 9,000 Gwich’in in the Northwest Territories (NWT), Yukon, and Alaska as a Permanent Participant in the Arctic Council; the only international organization to give...

It seeks to improve the human condition by advancing ideas that promote economic opportunity and prosperity, while securing and safeguarding peace for America and all mankind and to deploy its...

It promotes bipartisan efforts to combat the long-term effects of climate change. It analyzes MP-constituent engagements to inform the public on communicating effectively with their politicians. Aims to foster a...

The world is currently in a prolonged democratic recession, with most of the population living under autocratic rule or in countries with weakened democratic institutions. Despite this, the democratic status...

A non-profit think tank owned by the Hungarian State that researches foreign policy matters. The Institute's main objective is to support strategic decision-making in Hungarian foreign policy through active research,...

An independent think tank dedicated to continuously transforming Ukraine's democratic landscape and integrating the country with Europe and the Euro-Atlantic community. DIF provides a practical analysis of Ukraine's domestic and...