Subject: COVID

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The third annual Sustainable Development Outlook (SDO), noting that the “COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted significant setbacks upon the progress made towards achieving the SDGs, leading to a profound distress in...

The pandemic is having dramatic effects on everyday life, global prosperity, international security, and geopolitics.  It is a transformative shock, and its negative effects on the global economy are a...

The Commission seeks “to help speed up global, equitable, and lasting solutions to the pandemic.”  A key aim is to enhance “awareness and adoption worldwide of successful strategies to suppress...

Lively and extensive draft versions of a mixed, a pessimistic, and an optimistic scenario, each with advice for Red Cross preparedness. Scenarios: America Endures by Jerome C. Glenn (MP) with...

It specializes in public perceptions about vaccinations; working "to monitor public confidence in immunization programs by building an information surveillance system for early detection of public concerns around vaccines". It...

COVID-19 is the current focal point, not only of media and politics, but of our societies as a whole. Looking at how it reshaped so many parts of our daily...

The pandemic presents “a substantial shock to the post-WWII order, and the worst may be yet to come until a vaccine is widely distributed.  The recovery will likely be difficult...

Via four scenarios, the extensively illustrated report (e.g., Energy Technology RD&D Budgets by country 2020) seeks to provide a comprehensive view of how the global energy system could develop in the coming...