Subject: Development

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445 results returned.
This QuickLook on Higher Education for Sustainability and Peace presents a list of PhD opportunities covering areas of one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals. Information is derived from institution...

The concept of Human Security While the traditional notion aims to defend a nation-state in its territorial integrity through increased military means, human security focuses on the individual. This concept...

It is dedicated to "publishing original research and reflection on human rights, humanitarianism, and development in the modern and contemporary world." As such, it gathers "contributions from anthropology, economics, law,...

IBON International Foundation(1978; Philippines; Their long-term goal is to "contribute to building global mass movements of oppressed and marginalised peoples, to challenging neoliberal globalisation, war and all forms of...

It's working "through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability". It shapes "policy and sparks action to transform urban environments worldwide"; building "connections across...

An independent think tank dedicated to continuously transforming Ukraine's democratic landscape and integrating the country with Europe and the Euro-Atlantic community. DIF provides a practical analysis of Ukraine's domestic and...

The think tank is engaged in "enhancing public awareness about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and major components of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, in Asia-Pacific region in general and...

A national education institution working towards an "equitable, sustainable and efficient transformation of Indian settlements." IIHS is a practice-oriented institution, mainly focused on its "ongoing urban and development transformation." Practice...

It was established at the Earth Summit (UNCED) and works to "promote sustainable energy and social development" and brings 175 NGOs together. Publications: Presentations Publications News

A joint initiative of Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School and Mamdouha S. Bobst Center, ISS investigates strategies in emerging democracies to overcome development issues. The program creates interview-based case studies and...