Content Type: Organizations

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3130 results returned.
A "U.S. non-profit organization with a mission of supporting women leaders and future women leaders in developing countries (with a current focus on Afghanistan)." Programs: Long-distance Empowerment Programs The English...

It envisions "a Middle East in which Israelis and Palestinians have built the trust necessary to live in peace and security, prospering in societies that protect their human and civil...

Also known as Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’'Energie, the organisation "is active in the implementation of public policy in the areas of the environment, energy and...

It is led by "Africans with roots in farming communities across the continent" who try to supply African farmers with "uniquely African solutions designed to meet their specific environmental and...

It is committed to ending world hunger based on an International Charter of Independence, Neutrality, Non-discrimination, Free and Direct Access to Victims, Professionalism, and Transparency. Some 5,000 professionals work in...

It is a Diligent brand which provide shareholder activism, shareholder voting, and corporate governance data to a global client base. It's mission is to improve engagement, stewardship and corporate governance...

It produces material with the aim of"smashing ads, fighting corruption and speaking truth to power". so they can "forge a new way of living, create a whole new cultural vibe...

It works on transforming agriculture with people and planet in mind; using the latest breakthroughs in indoor vertical farming, artificial intelligence and plant biology to fix our broken food system...

It works "throughout Africa to bring creative African solutions to the challenges posed by conflict on the continent"; impacting "political developments by bringing conflict resolution, dialogue and development to the...

It works to promote awareness of the problems associated with air pollution and climate change, and thus, in part as a result of public pressure, to bring about the required...