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3130 results returned.
It is considered to be the “first major institutional reform undertaken by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres” striving to “promote international counter-terrorism cooperation and support Member States in the implementation...

A UN agency coordinating global disaster risk reduction efforts. Their mission is to aid decision-makers in understanding and responding to risks to prevent disasters that could harm people's well-being and...

An "interagency mechanism within the system of the United Nations," a small entity which hasn't gained the status of being a program. It aims to "create a coherent approach towards...

Launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the scientific Panel works to "build and share the knowledge needed to improve our use of resources worldwide by assessing natural resource...

It works to "ensure women’s rights and gender justice within the climate change convention framework" by providing a "number of ways for civil society and non-governmental organizations which work for...

The "team of fashion insiders works to radically challenge the fashion industry’s environmental record". It's linked to Extinction Rebellion and the focus centres on the "use of dialogue, research and...

The think tank is built around the expertise of Greg Treverton, director of the National Intelligence Council (2014-2017), and based on  several assumptions: "Technological advances both drive and exacerbate global...

A global leader in Cyber Safety. It "is dedicated to helping secure the devices, identities, online privacy, and home and family needs of approximately 50 million consumers, providing them with...

A website of the SRI World Group that "features over 10,000 pages of information on SRI mutual funds, community investments, corporate research, shareowner actions, and daily social investment news." Publications:...

An umbrella organisation "providing online social investing and corporate social responsibility information through the three subsidiary sites, and" It also "provides daily news and investment advice." Sections...