It builds and shares the knowledge needed to improve resource use worldwide to move from over-consumption, waste, and ecological harm to a more prosperous and sustainable future. The group reports on the latest scientific, technical and socio-economic findings around global resource use and provides advice and connections between policymakers, industry, and communities on ways to improve global and local resource management. The Steering Committee includes >20 governments as well as the EC, OECD, UNEP, IUCN, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and International Council for Science.
- News and Events
- Data & Resources
- Policy Plans & Reports
- A library of important reports and data on topics like “decoupling” continued growth of natural resource use from adverse environmental impacts, current impacts of economic growth, the impact of cities, water in a green economy, trade, global land use and soils, food, and forests, bio fuels, metal stocks in society, recycling rates of metals, priority products and materials, and balancing consumption with sustainable supply.
- Re-defining Value–The Manufacturing Revolution (2018, 272p, 56p summary) – An authoritative report about the importance of a circular economic system for the future sustainability of our global economy. Stresses the importance of processes like remanufacturing, refurbishing, repair, reuse, and value-retention processes, that lead to less waste, green jobs, and lower production costs. The seven authors highlight systemic barriers that may inhibit progressive scale-up, and how they could be overcome.
- Global Resources Outlook 2019: Natural Resources for the Future We Want (March 2019, 158p; 36p Summary) – Looks into topics like material resources, water, land use, environmental impacts, multi-benefit policymaking, and two scenarios: Baseline and Sustainability.