It was created to “educate the American public and the world about the changing nature of national security in the 21st Century.” The goal is to “forge bipartisan consensus on a new national security strategy that will restore America’s leadership and ensure that it’s “vision for security in the 21st century by developing and sharing new ideas and critical analyses on the most important national security issues”. It brings together “prominent American business leaders, former members of Congress, retired military flag officers, and prominent former government officials”, conducting research on a broad range of issues and engages and empowers the American public by taking its findings directly to them via events, traditional & new media, meetings, and publications.
- The Consensus for American Security – an initiative of influential military and national security leaders who have come together to provide mechanisms in order to create long-term consensus around the big strategic national security issues.
- Business Council for American Security – An exclusive gathering of leading firms across industry aligned in their support of a broad definition of American national security for the 21st century.
- Blog
- ASP Podcast
- A library of reports, factsheets, and perspectives, etc.
- Newsletter
- Factsheet – U.S. Oil Dependence: More Drilling Doesn’t Make the U.S. More Energy Secure (May 2019, 7p.)
- Factsheet: Climate Change Impacts on National Security (May 2019, 6p)
- Factsheet: Clean Energy Innovations (May 2019)
- An online calendar of past and upcoming events