Old Subject: Responsible Investment

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AIGCC is "a project within the Investor Group on Climate Change" based in Australia/New Zealand (IGCC). The  group of investors "aims to create awareness among Asia’s asset owners and financial...

A private foundation that reviews proposals by invitation only.  Seeks to “accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy” and to address large-scale environmental problems with market-based solutions that move communities...

It aims to "activate investor capital toward solutions for people and planet" with a dedication to the pursuit of financial return and social change; managing investments for "endowments, foundations, mission-driven...

373 investors with >$35 trillion in assets under management (219 in Europe, 103 in North America, 29 in Australia) seek to ensure that the world’s large carbon emitters take critical...

It seeks integration of economic growth and environmental sustainability, seen as essential for the future of humankind. As such, it promotes a new model of economic growth known as “green...

A platform for investors and development banks, with 31 members managing >$60T.

A higher education institution that focuses on "environmental economics and policy as well as enterprise management, financial markets and investment." The school has been established through the generosity of Sir...

An investor initiative “in partnership with UNEP FI and the UN Global Compact.” Supported by the United Nations, the PRI has become a “leading network for investors demonstrating their commitment...

It's focused oncalls for shifting investment practices towards “sustainability, focusing on long-term investment and the generation of positive social and environmental impacts.” The organization is composed of over 300 member...

It incubates innovative initiatives that accelerate the achievement of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.  It's focus is on market solutions through impact investments, green finance and education. Publications: Video...