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163 results returned.
The Center for Systemic Peace is a nonprofit organization “engaged in innovative research on the problem of political violence within the structural context of dynamic global systems analysis.” It “supports...

It advocates for the UN's constitutionalization; aiming to affirm peoples' global rights and thoroughly examining the United Nations' various international treaties and programs and advocate for the establishment of more...

An independent non-governmental organization working to understand and prevent violence as well as to "heal its effects and build sustainable peace at the community, national and regional levels." Consequently, it...

Is a membership organization working towards a “future in which nations work together to abolish war, protect rights and freedoms, and solve problems facing humanity.” It promotes its vision and...

The alliance "includes more than 130 organizations from civil society, labor unions, associations of international solidarity, faith groups, NGOs defending human rights and the environment, and even social movements." Note:...

An international organization committed to "promoting peacebuilding by stopping violent conflict and creating more peaceful societies." Consequently, it strives to "address the underlying causes of conflict" by connecting community perspectives...

An independent non-profit organization focused "on tensions and polarization in the Arab world. It aims to enhance theoretical and practical conflict transformation resources in its regions of work." CPIG works...

A non-governmental organization working to "prevent and resolve conflict through informal dialogue and mediation." It is committed to "innovative solutions to tackle issues at the heart of political conflict that...

Its main objective is to mitigate the negative effects of cyberattacks on individuals. To achieve this, it thoroughly analyze cyberattacks, highlight their societal consequences, and identify international rules and norms...

An independent entity that promotes political dialogues to mitigate violence. They collaborate with armed groups, governments, and international bodies in conflict scenarios, focusing on vital aspects of peace processes, especially...