Old Subject: Oceans

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75 results returned.
A for-profit social enterprise building "recycling ecosystems in under-developed communities in an effort to fight both plastic pollution in oceans, as well as high poverty levels in developing countries." Notablly,...

A non-profit organization "dedicated to ending plastic pollution and fostering sustainable communities worldwide." Works through supportive programs aligned to its mission "to inspire and incite action that can lead to...

It focuses on eradicating plastic pollution from the oceans. Their dedication lies in halting the flow of plastic waste into water bodies and raising awareness about the detrimental effects of...

Plymouth Marine Laboratory (2002; Plymouth, UK; 160 staff; pml.ac.uk) It aims “to develop integrated marine science towards the sustainable future of the ocean." They work to provide "evidence-based environmental solutions...

Race for Water (2010; Lausanne; 12 staff; raceforwater.org) An "organisation dedicated to the preservation of water and the oceans" through investigation in the field and with scientific experts to alert...

Is a “private Japanese foundation addressing the diverse and complicated issues that human society is encountering in the 21st century.” It strives to “strengthen cooperation at all levels between Japan...

Is an international nonprofit organization comprising “thousands of volunteers working on the decks of ships and operating all around the planet.” It “exposes, intercepts, and opposes illegal operations that damage and...

Is an “interdisciplinary program of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment” that “catalyzes research, innovation and action to improve the health of the oceans for the people who depend on...

It's addressing the complex challenges facing humanity, envisioning “a world where social-ecological systems are understood, governed and managed, to enhance human well-being and the capacity to deal with complexity and...

It "develops advanced technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic." It aims to "let the ocean currents do the work by installing U-shaped screens that would channel floating plastic...