Old Subject: Forests

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34 results returned.
A consortium of the European Forest Institute and the Silva Network of the University of Joensuu, the portal is a free, non-commercial service for forest information users. Aims to meet...

An international organization established by European States. It "conducts research and provides policy support on issues related to forests." Furthermore, it hosts the EU FLEGT Facility, which "supports the EU...

They aim to "promote an alternative vision of how forests should be managed, based on respect for the rights, knowledge, cultures and identities of the peoples who know them best."...

It promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests; encouraging forest operations that are structured and managed sk that they are sufficiently profitable, without generating...

Is a non-profit organization that strives to “conserve forests and other ecosystems through the creation and wide adoption of a range of environmental finance, market, and other payment and incentive...

Global Canopy is an "innovative environmental organisation that targets the market forces destroying tropical forests." It aims to "accelerate progress towards a deforestation-free global economy - through improved transparency, innovative...

The international coalition of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations defends social justice and the rights of forest peoples in forest policies. It is a successor to the NGO Forest Working...

The online platform was established by the World Resources Institute. It harnesses the latest satellite technology, open data, and crowdsourcing to ensure that near "real-time information about where and how...

Is an organization working to map Canada’s intact forest landscapes which are home to over a third of the world’s boreal forest, one quarter of the world’s temperate forests and...

It aims to foster "leadership through dialogue and innovative programs, creates and tests new tools and methods, and conducts research to support sustainable forest management worldwide."  To this end, it...