Old Subject: Environmental Activism

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20 results returned.
It aims to "raise awareness of environmental problems, and to accelerate the implementation of new and more effective approaches to safeguarding the earth for the generations to come." It focuses...

Is a nonprofit environmental activist and legal advocacy organization known for working through science, law and creative media to secure a future for all species hovering on the brink of...

Is a U.S. non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy organization that has been fighting the industrial food model which uses harmful food production technologies for twenty years. Instead, it promotes...

It is engaged in making contemporary art and literature a significant response to the scale of the ecological, economic and social crises perceived by the network. It aims to walk...

It runs the webportal with the same name; engaging in collective political education by creating and sharing knowledge about degrowth and related struggles for radical transformation." It strives to put...

Earth Island Institute "is a nonprofit environmental organization and fiscal sponsor to more than seventy-five projects". It supports "environmental projects across the United States and around the globe with financial...

It is is a non-profit public interest organization and environmental law firm defending the right to a healthy environment. It is "dedicated to litigating environmental issues" to accomplish its goal...

It promotes the "non-violent resolution of human rights abuses and related environmental issues in the Global South." It strives to be "a catalyst working to achieve long-term change, by alerting...

"An international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience to achieve radical change in order to minimise the risk of human extinction and ecological collapse." They are a grass-root movement run...

The "team of fashion insiders works to radically challenge the fashion industry’s environmental record". It's linked to Extinction Rebellion and the focus centres on the "use of dialogue, research and...