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The SPA is the world’s first high-level science initiative dedicated to the survival of the Amazon. It  assesses the state of the various ecosystems, land use and climate changes in...

An independent based membership organisation carrying "out research, education, and advocacy work centred around the military, environmental and political aspects of science, design and technology." Issues: Security and disarmament Climate...

A national non-profit that is committed to accelerate climate action in, and through, higher education and has worked with over 4,000 faculty and administrators at more than 600 colleges and...

Is an "international, multi-stakeholder partnership that enables collaborative knowledge and action for sustainable, low carbon transport and brings the voice of the movement into international climate change and sustainability processes."...

It aims to "advance the science, practice and policy of ecological restoration to sustain biodiversity, improve resilience in a changing climate, and re-establish an ecologically healthy relationship between nature and...

It aims to create a world where all of us can live in harmony with the planet. It envisions a world where the production and consumption of all things can...

An open platform for think tanks contributing "to the global dialogue on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its ultimate aim is to address the existing ‘knowledge asymmetry’ and ‘participation deficit’...

Is a non-profit organization acting as the “successor of the Sphere Project, a time-bound initiative of multiple humanitarian agencies.” It created a Humanitarian Charter as well as a widely known and internationally recognized...

A group of volunteers "connecting relief to workers stranded across India due to the COVID-19 lockdown while documenting their experiences." Publications: ReportsNews And MediaStoriesCOVID Information Resources

A community of practice, creating a common platform for ecosystem assessment practitioners at regional, sub-regional, national, and sub-national scales. It strives to "support the activities of a relevant global process...