Organization Type: Publications/ Publishers

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57 results returned.
It contains "original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of Environment, Economic and Society with Sustainability." It is published by...

The peer-reviewed academic journals major focus "is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews". It also "publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to...

Is a platform that aims to "connect energy technologies, policies, and markets" in order to "accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy economy." Consequently, it "advocates progressive energy policies" and...

It joins a "constellation of other projects that are working at many different levels to nurture new stories for ourselves and our planet that are compassionate, collaborative, and creative"; working...

Is an American news and magazine publication "focused on global affairs, current events, and domestic and international policy." While the magazine prints six issues annually, the website produces daily content....

Is an American magazine of international relations and foreign policy. It is "published by the Council on Foreign Relations, a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership organization and think tank specialized in U.S....

It “disseminates the latest research across the broad fields of science, engineering and technology; management, public and business administration; environment, ecological economics and sustainable development; computing, ICT and internet/web services,...

It “sells a wide range of radical literature - books, pamphlets and magazines - dealing with the full spectrum of campaigning issues, as well as stocking stationery and cards.” It...

It publishes environmental news and commentary on important issues such as climate, sustainability, and social justice among others. It strives to “elevate solutions, expose inequity, and give its readers the...

It works to help "businesses around the globe do the right thing by their customers and the world" as it will not only "guarantee a future for all" but also...