Subject: Sustainable Development

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198 results returned.
The results of the research aimed to "capture, within a set of scenarios, the characteristics and implications of a variety of patterns that may occur in 2030 in all domains,...

According to the Global Risks Report 2023 from the World Economic Forum, the world faces a set of risks that feel entirely new and strangely familiar. It investigates some of...

A forum for environmental discussions working "for a greener campus together with the administration and the city of Geneva." It organizes debates, panel talks, excursions, film screenings and other events...

It promotes sustainable values, planning, and living in Israel with a goal is to develop and implement a vision of sustainability that includes a just and cohesive society, a robust...

 The Third Pole (2009; Asia; 9 staff; The multilingual platform works to promote information and discussion about the Himalayan watershed and the rivers that originate there.  It is an...

The NGO operates as a strategic alliance of the WWF and the IUCN. It works globally on trade in "wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation...

A report by the Stockholm Resilience Centre to The Club of Rome.  Jergen Randers, Johan Rockström, and four others describe four scenarios in detail: 1) Same: baseline of current policies;...

The report Transforming Our World: Interdisciplinary Insights on the Sustainable Development Goals offers interdisciplinary insights into the connections between sustainable development goals. It extends previous discussions and is designed to...

It brings scientists, economists, engineers, and social scientists together from multiple universities to do research and communication on climate change and to incorporate this into ideas for sustainable development. TCCCR...

It was established to bring together influencers, catalyze initiatives, and communicate about sustainability efforts, trends, and successes across societal sectors and the general public. Anyone interested in advancing the state...