Subject: Climate Change

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455 results returned.
A project based on the book Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, edited by project director Paul Hawkin, which describes and ranks 100 solutions to...

It aims to "improve the value of data as a tool for promoting sustainable development and addressing the climate crisis." To this end, it works to provide "governments and international...

It was " established to capture a growing niche market, catering specifically for the transition to a low-carbon and green economy through the consolidation of knowledge". As such, it "offers...

Sylvia A. Earle (b.1935) is an oceanographer, marine biologist, explorer, and well-known author.  She was a Research Fellow at Harvard University (1967-1981), the first woman appointed as Chief Scientist at...

An international movement promoting youth-led climate education. It conducts climate campaigns to conduct encourage grassroot climate action.  

EarthDECKS "provides stories about Impact Networks and projects about saving our valuable heritage (cultural, environmental, social)." In particular, "projects on the platform serve as hubs around which to generate stories,...

Is the world’s leading publisher on sustainability and environmental issues. It was founded by the International Institute for Environment and Development, and bought by the publishing conglomerate Taylor & Francis...

Is a "small, activist think tank that has had an outsized impact on the global climate equity debate. It has done this primarily, but not exclusively, by way of its...

It is a non-profit organization “established by, but independent from Ecofin Limited, a London-based investment management firm specialising in utilities and the environment.” It aims to “use its knowledge of...

Its focus is on climate change and sustainability, with an aim to foster collaboration and learning among initiatives to drive societal transformation. The principles of co-creation, social justice, and ecological...