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It "enables scalable, sustainable aviation by replacing conventional engines with hydrogen-electric power trains", working to supply the world’s breakthrough zero-emission engines and the infrastructure and fuel to power a revolution...

A think tank for sustainability working "across disciplines that match the complexity of cities to address sustainability challenges." Shares its "expertise with scholars, policymakers, community leaders, and project partners" through...

The climate metrics and software provider uses its "proprietary X-Degree Compatibility (XDC) model, right. calculates the contribution of a company, investment portfolio or other economic entity to global warming (temperature...

The think tank is engaged in "enhancing public awareness about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and major components of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, in Asia-Pacific region in general and...

It brings together business leaders who are "committed to supporting the transformation to competitive, sustainable, inclusive economies that will deliver net-zero carbon emissions by 2050." It advocates for "robust business...

IBON International Foundation(1978; Philippines; Their long-term goal is to "contribute to building global mass movements of oppressed and marginalised peoples, to challenging neoliberal globalisation, war and all forms of...

The global network of changemakers believes in the "power of social movements to change the world." They take a system-wide view of the causes of, and solutions to, the climate...

The global environmental solutions platform aims to promote sustainable economic growth. They work to "make eco-friendly business a reality" by helping to "scale environmental solutions and innovations in the areas...

The institute aims to build the "intellectual leadership and network for understanding and developing competitiveness" in the Asia region; seeking to "contribute to the enhancement of inclusive growth, living standards...

The organisation envisions a world powered by clean sustainable energy, where society's interests are valued and protected. To this end, they work to make clean energy "possible for millions of...