Old Subject: Global Affairs

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It brings US-based grassroots organizing groups into a "long-term process of relationship building, political alignment and transformational leadership development.” It also brings them together with “global social movements working for...

It is an online forum of ideas and an international network for the critical exploration of concepts, strategies, and visions for a transition to a future of enriched lives, human...

It works to promote future perspectives in Swedish research and to manage and develop theories and methods in the field of future studies. Also, it has the task of promoting...

The Institute of World Economy and International Relations is a non-profit organization "which acts within the Charter of the Russian Academy of Sciences." It's mission is to elaborate a reliable...

It aims to create a long-term realistic vision as an “interpreter” or a “bridge” between the world of thinkers/scientists and the world of doers (decision-makers). It's also working to make...

Is a forum that “addresses complex, messy, seemingly intractable issues – local, global and all levels in between – fostering practical hope and wise initiative.” It “supports people making a...

International Scientific Congress “Globalistics 2017” (2009; Moscow) An annual congress organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences and UNESCO at the Lomonosov State University, with the goal “to develop international...

It "comprises of 179 national Member Parliaments and 13 regional parliamentary bodies". It's main goals are to promote democracy and help parliaments become stronger, younger, gender-balanced and more diverse.  

It promotes "the use of dialogue globally to prevent and resolve conflict, as well as to enhance understanding and cooperation." It's mandate and structure is designed to "foster dialogue among...

It is "dedicated to the expansion of human civilization from Earth into space to acquire resources that will promote peace and prosperity for humankind" displaying a commitment to the "discovery,...