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100 results returned.
Its research and teaching span "the full breadth of the social sciences; from economics, politics, and law to sociology, anthropology, accounting, and finance." Research Centres: Care Policy and Evaluation Centre...

The Lowy Institute for International Policy is an independent international policy think tank. It provides high - quality research and distinctive perspectives on international trends shaping Australia and the world....

It is dedicated to the exchange and instruction of international educators, with an aim to provide a framework for learning and scholarship that encourages respect and understanding among people of...

An international policy school aiming to contribute "to the betterment of democratic governance around the world." They provide "interdisciplinary education for future leaders in the public sector and conduct research...

It's goal is to enhance U.S. foreign policy by understanding different regions' geopolitics and value systems worldwide. The Institute focuses on issues at the intersection of U.S. foreign policy and...

It works to carry out research and disseminating "findings on global power relations, security policy, development issues, international economics and Norwegian foreign policy." It communicates "research-based insights to the Norwegian...

A think tank that conducts policy-focused research, provides "advice to all branches of government, and contributes to wider debates on international relations in Europe and beyond." It "promotes the flow...

It brings together experts from various fields, including the economy, energy, law, political science, international relations, military security, land relations, sociology, history, and philosophy. It conducts nationwide public opinion polls...

It's main goal, as stated in its statutes, is to analyze international politics from Spanish, European, and global perspectives and to encourage dialogue and discussion. Works in interdisciplinary teams and...

An organization that promotes regional cooperation and integration in Southeast Europe, focusing on Euro-Atlantic integration. It was established by the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) participants and receives funding from...