Deutsche Gesellschafft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit
It provides services in the field of international development cooperation; aiming to build "a future worth living in around 120 countries worldwide" by working with governments, "businesses, civil society actors...
DESIS: Design for Social Innovation & Sustainability
It is "actively involved in promoting and supporting sustainable change" aiming "to promote design for social innovation in higher education institutions." Publications: Articles Books Newsletter
David Suzuki Foundation
It works with government, business, and individuals to conserve the environment by evidence-based research, education, and policy analysis, and "acting as a catalyst for the change." This is done with...
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
It believes that "talented and committed people, with appropriate resources and support, can drive meaningful innovation and create lasting change", and aims to fulfill their mission by working with partners...
Dancing Star Foundation
It "is focused on international biodiversity conservation, global environmental education, and animal protection" by maintaining "active ecological restoration efforts and intensive environmental field research – much of which is disseminated...
CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities
CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities is an institute that seeks to “create awareness and understanding of the connections between the everyday lives of urban citizens and their natural world, leading...
Cultural Survival
Cultural Survival is a non-profit organization that “advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience.” It “employs a participatory, rights-based approach to its relationships”...
Cuba-U.S. Agroecology Network
The Cuba-U.S Agroecology Network is a bilateral network that "connects people, institutions and movements in Cuba and the U.S. to build more ecologically resilient, socially just and economically fair farming...
CropLife International
A global advocate for the plant science industry. It promotes innovative technologies that help farmers increase productivity while addressing environmental challenges. It supports agricultural technologies such as pesticides and plant...
Crop Trust
It aims to help support this global system in a sustainable way. It's Crop Diversity Endowment Fund provides long-term grants to safeguard collections of unique and valuable crop diversity held...
Covering Climate Now
It collaborates "with journalists and newsrooms to produce more informed and urgent climate stories, to make climate a part of every beat in the newsroom — from politics and weather...
Counterpart International
It is a global organization centered in community-based development that "partners with local organizations to build inclusive, sustainable communities in which their people thrive". Their approach is to forges partnerships...
Council on Strategic Risks
It is devoted to anticipating, analyzing, and addressing core systemic risks to security in the 21st century, with special examination of the ways in which these risks intersect and exacerbate...
Costs of War Project
Its aim is to research and bring awareness about the cost of the various American-led wars and counterterrorism efforts since 9/11, including “their human, economic, and political costs,” and help...
Corporate Leaders Group
It brings together business leaders who are "committed to supporting the transformation to competitive, sustainable, inclusive economies that will deliver net-zero carbon emissions by 2050." It advocates for "robust business...
Corporate EcoForum
It's comprised of Fortune and Global 500 companies who have seriously committed to sustainability as a business strategy issue. Its mission is to accelerate sustainable business innovation by providing a...
Cornell Waste Management Institute
It is working on "the environmental and social issues associated with waste management" via research, outreach and teaching activities. Its staff aims "to develop technical solutions to waste management problems...
Disaster Relief, Disaster Resilience, Human Security, Humanitarian Aid, Justice, Poverty, Resilience
The Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid is an international development organization “fighting poverty and exclusion in fragile and conflict areas.” It aims to “create flourishing, self-reliant communities in...
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development
The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development is a “scientific institute for sustainability research and teaching at Utrecht University.” It strives to create a “positive impact on the transition to a...
Copenhagen Consensus Center
The Copenhagen Consensus Center is a “think tank that researches the smartest solutions for the world's biggest problems, advising policy-makers and philanthropists how to spend their money most effectively.” Over...