Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO)
A corporation with special status under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry "to undertake basic and comprehensive researches on economic, political and social issues affecting developing...
Institute for Sustainable Resources
Green Leaders, Resource Efficiency and Protection, Resources, Sustainability, University Sustainability Programs
It supports cross-disciplinary approaches to the sustainable use of natural resources at the School of Environment Energy & Resources. It "offers a range of programmes for students looking to develop...
Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations/IDDRI
The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations "is an independent policy research institute and a multi-stakeholder dialogue platform that identifies the conditions and proposes tools to put sustainable development...
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
The Institute for Local Self-Reliance "is a nonprofit organization and advocacy group that provides technical assistance to communities about local solutions for sustainable community development in areas such as banking,...
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Is a global health research center that provides "rigorous and comparable measurement of the world's most important health problems and evaluates the strategies used to address them." This information is...
Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development
Environmental Law, Governance and Sustainability, Pollution, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Society
A non-profit committed to strengthening environmental law and addressing short-lived climate pollutants. Seeks “to promote just and sustainable societies and to protect the environment by advancing the understanding, development, and...
Institute for Global Food Security
It's "conducting cutting edge research into various topics ranging from soil & plant health through to food security." Hence, it aims to be "a key partner in national and global...
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
It's conducting "policy development and strategic research for environmental measures, reflecting the results of research into political decisions for realising sustainable development both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally." It...
Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being
An organization dedicated to improving food security, nutrition, and well-being. The institute focuses on influencing policy changes in agriculture, nutrition, and food security, emphasizing the importance of understanding national policy-making...
Institute for European Environmental Policy
It is "committed to advancing impact-driven sustainability policy across the EU and the world." It works "with stakeholders across EU institutions, international bodies, academia, civil society and industry" producing evidence-based...
Institute for Environmental Security
Its working on advancing environmental security through science, diplomacy, law, finance, and education. Supports international sustainable development goals as a means to long-term poverty alleviation, and “to help safeguard essential...
Institute for Environmental Diplomacy & Security
A "research center dedicated to both the study and practice of techniques that resolve environmental conflicts." IEDS uses "ecological processes as tools of peace-building." It works with stakeholders to "leverage...
Institute for Economics & Peace
A think tank focused on peace, conflict, and risk studies. Its goal is to reshape global peace perceptions through data-driven research, consulting, and training. The IEP, as a respected advisor,...
Institute for Ecological Economy Research
The IÖW is a "scientific institute in the field of practice-oriented sustainability research." It works to devise "strategies and approaches for viable, long-term economic activity – for an economy which...
Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy
It's researching and advocating for sustainable food, farm, and trade systems, working to create equitable food and agriculture systems. The institute analyzes the complexity of societal structures and sees how...
Inside Climate News
Is a “Pulitzer Prize-winning, nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that provides essential reporting and analysis on climate change, energy and the environment, for the public and for decision makers.” It serves...
Initiatives of Change International
A “world-wide movement of people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are committed to the transformation of society through changes in human motives and behaviour, starting with their own.” It...
With a focus on vertical farming, it's working on the food supply chain and helping cities to be self-sufficient in their food production. Further, it "is the first vertical farming...
Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)
It was established "with the goal of providing policy advice to effectively deal with external economic shocks" and "it has grown to become one of India's most well-known independent and...
Inderscience Publishers
It “disseminates the latest research across the broad fields of science, engineering and technology; management, public and business administration; environment, ecological economics and sustainable development; computing, ICT and internet/web services,...