A comprehensive guide to innovations and technologies for climate change mitigation. It showcases a range of solutions, emphasizing the role of intellectual property in supporting green technology development, and serves as a resource for various stakeholders seeking to mitigate climate change through technological innovation.
Key Highlights
- Scope and Purpose: Overviews innovative technologies addressing climate change. It highlights key technologies reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the role of global innovation ecosystems in implementing these solutions.
- Technological Innovations: Reviews 200+ innovative technologies across sectors, highlighting their potential to combat climate change. These include energy efficiency, renewable energy, and advanced materials that lower industrial emissions.
- Intellectual Property and Innovation: Underlines the critical role of intellectual property rights in fostering the creation and dissemination of green technologies for climate mitigation.
- Global and Local Solutions: Emphasizes the importance of global innovation alongside locally adapted solutions. It underlines the need for visibility of local innovations, particularly from regions most impacted by climate change.
- WIPO GREEN Database: The report is tied to the WIPO GREEN Database, a platform for sharing climate solutions and enabling technology transfer. Users can create profiles, share their climate needs, and start contacts or technology transfer agreements, contributing to the global climate change fight.
- Focus Areas: Focuses on cities, agriculture, land use, and industry as key sectors where innovative technologies can reduce emissions and enhance sustainability, despite not covering energy separately due to its broad scope.
Introduction and methodology
Begins by outlining the technology selection criteria. These criteria include relevance for climate change mitigation, alignment with themes like Cities, Agriculture, and Industry, and classification as Proven, Frontier, or Horizon. Factors such as impact, information quality, market availability, cost-effectiveness, and geographical/business balance were also considered.
Following this, the method employed involved sourcing data from scientific articles, tech databases, and organizations. This was achieved by using search strings related to climate mitigation themes. Consequently, the book highlights innovation and technologies as tangible climate change solutions and actively encourages contributions to the WIPO GREEN Database for sharing these solutions and requirements.
However, it’s crucial to note that the technologies in the book, unvetted by WIPO, are not recommendations. Their suitability heavily depends on specific contexts and the assessment of local experts. Ultimately, the book aims to inspire action by showcasing technology examples and recognizing the abundant solutions available beyond those featured.
Overview: technology and innovation for climate mitigation
Discusses the vital role of technology and innovation in mitigating climate change. Firstly, it highlights the need for a range of solutions, from simple to advanced technologies, to lessen the impacts of climate change. Moreover, it underscores the importance of decarbonization and material efficiency in cutting greenhouse gas emissions and stresses their consideration in national climate strategies.
Furthermore, offering a unique viewpoint on climate mitigation technology, the Green Technology Book advocates for a reimagined city design, soil appreciation, and sustainable use of Earth’s resources through technology and innovation. This section also emphasizes technology’s critical role in meeting resource demands. Additionally, it underscores the importance of recycling, material efficiency, and sustainable waste management in curbing greenhouse gas emissions.
Underlines the crucial role urban areas play in combating climate change. Despite occupying only a small fraction of the Earth’s surface, cities shockingly account for a significant amount of global greenhouse gas emissions (50 to 80 percent) and consume about 75 percent of global material resources. Consequently, this section highlights the importance of technology and innovation in transforming cities from carbon emitters to carbon absorbers.
Specifically, it addresses key topics such as low-carbon mobility, heating and cooling systems, and material efficiency in urban environments. It thoughtfully discusses proven, frontier, and horizon technologies that can decarbonize cities, emphasizing the need for sustainable solutions to urbanization’s environmental challenges.
Moreover, it investigates trends like vehicle fleet electrification, advancements in alternative fuels, and material innovations aimed at reducing dependence on critical minerals and improving energy efficiency in urban transport systems. In conclusion, the book stresses cities’ pivotal role in climate change mitigation, ultimately highlighting the potential of innovative technologies for sustainable urban development and carbon emission reduction.
Agriculture and land use
Highlights the substantial impact of these sectors on greenhouse gas emissions and global sustainability. Remarkably, these sectors contribute to almost 22 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, occupy 38 percent of the Earth’s surface, and are responsible for a whopping 70 percent of global freshwater withdrawals.
It focuses on livestock farming and methane production to explore strategies to decrease agricultural emissions. It underlines the correlation between productivity and per-unit emissions of meat or milk. Thus, it introduces innovative solutions such as feed additives and plant-based meat substitutes as potential approaches to tackle environmental issues in the livestock sector.
Moreover, it underscores the importance of soil management, regenerative agriculture, and cutting-edge soil carbon solutions to counter carbon release from intensive farming and deforestation. The Green Technology Book advocates for sustainable agricultural practices to maximize carbon sequestration, reduce emissions, and foster environmental responsibility in agriculture and land use.
Emphasizes the vital role of technology and innovation in fighting climate change within the industrial sector. It underlines the necessity for sustainable practices and low-emission technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote environmental sustainability in industrial processes.
Key topics covered include technological advancements and trends in iron and steel, cement, and Industry 4.0. The section explores the potential of innovative solutions like energy-efficient processes, carbon capture, storage technologies, and sustainable manufacturing practices to decrease emissions and enhance resource efficiency in industrial operations.
Furthermore, it illuminates the importance of patents and finance in supporting the development and implementation of climate-friendly technologies in this sector. It acknowledges the value of collaboration, research, and investment in driving technological innovation and accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy.