Organization Type: Social Enterprises

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9 results returned.
A for-profit social enterprise building "recycling ecosystems in under-developed communities in an effort to fight both plastic pollution in oceans, as well as high poverty levels in developing countries." Notablly,...

They conduct transdisciplinary research to develop, apply and deliver innovative products and services. Their focus is on mental health, conflict resolution and entrepreneurship with alternative technologies, methodologies and Scientific-Motivation. Publications...

A social enterprise working to "engage public and private actors to prevent conflict, promote peace, and foster sustainability using strategic approaches that cultivate trust, courage, and creativity." Publications: e-Library  

A social enterprise working to "eliminate the idea of waste." It operates in 21 countries in partnership with various companies to "collect typically non-recyclable items through national recycling platforms and...

It aims to ensure that social enterprise reaches "its potential as a force for more effective and sustainable social impact". To this end, they "empower social enterprises with the tools...

It aims to "drive sustainability" in the commodity sector "by convening companies, civil society organizations, governments and others in public-private partnerships." To this end, it "designs, co-funds and prototypes new...

It is dedicated to sustainable development; aiming to deliver socially equitable, environmentally sound and economically scalable development outcomes by creating "models that generate sustainable livelihoods in large numbers". It's green...

The COBRA Collective is a social enterprise working striving for a “world where marginalized communities are empowered to control their own destiny.” It “empowers communities to achieve positive change through...

Is the UK’s largest social enterprise support agency driven to enable individuals, organizations and communities through the development and implementation of a series of training, support and investment programs. CEIS...