534 results returned.
A non-profit organization blending science, art, and storytelling to foster planetary awareness and understanding. Its mission is to spark a fundamental shift in thinking toward a safer, fairer, and better...
Existential Risks, Foresight, Futures, Global Governance, Globalization, Governance, Risks, Transformation/Change, Transition
A nonprofit organization focusing on the interconnected issues of population, health, and the environment. They aim to support the empowerment of people and promote a thriving world by addressing topics...
An international nonprofit founded by scientists and global citizens to raise awareness and find solutions for humanity’s existential emergencies. CHF aims to inform society about these threats, develop solutions, urge...
A private, nonprofit organization in the U.S., it honors distinguished scholars in science and engineering dedicated to advancing science and technology for public welfare. NAS offers independent advice on scientific...
A nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the study and development of AGI systems. Their goal is to create "thinking machines" with intelligence comparable to the human mind's. Facilitates cooperation and...
A non-profit research organization has focused on managing existential risks from artificial general intelligence (AGI). MIRI conducts foundational mathematical research to ensure AGI has a positive impact, emphasizing high reliability,...
A non-profit organization in the U.S. known for its criminal justice research. It's committed to ending mass incarceration, addressing racial disparities, and assisting the vulnerable. It advocates for bail alternatives,...
A global NGO dedicated to human rights, law, and law enforcement. IJM collaborates with local authorities in 18 countries to address issues such as trafficking, slavery, and violence against vulnerable...
Children, Human Rights, Humanitarian, Justice, Slavery / Human Trafficking, Social Justice, Societal Divisions, Women
An independent, non-profit organization advancing the rule of law to protect fundamental rights, promote transparent, accountable governments, and foster peaceful dispute resolution. The Institute develops training programs and promotes peer...
Accountability, Corruption, Democracy/Rule of Law, Development, Human Rights, Justice, Politics, Social Justice
A non-profit in Belgrade, Serbia, dedicated to human rights and addressing mass rights violations. It educates on war crimes, challenges false narratives, and promotes the rule of law. It commemorates...
Human Rights, Humanitarian, Policy, Public Sector/ Government, Security, Social Justice, War/ Conflict