Notable Online Reports

The Security and Sustainability Guide

This list of publications illustrates the great number and wide variety of the most important, and timely global security and sustainability reports, and their sponsoring organizations.

Libraries may still consider these reports as “gray literature,” and scholars and researchers may be overly immersed in traditional books and journal articles, but, arguably, these reports are the leading edge of thinking about many of the most significant global issues.

Any one report viewed alone, however, does not do justice to the growing global emergency. Too many people are inflicting costly harm on the environment and human security in too many ways, despite many efforts at mitigation, resilience, conservation, and developing new technological remedies.


Provides a comprehensive overview of key legal and policy developments and statistical trends in migration and asylum across the European Union (EU) and associated countries. It highlights important progress in…

Development, Geopolitics, Governance, Migration, Politics

Delivers a comprehensive analysis of migration trends, labor market integration, and policy developments in OECD countries. This edition features a chapter on migrant entrepreneurship, examining its contribution to economic development…

Published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), comprehensively analyzes global migration patterns, trends, and challenges. This twelfth edition highlights the complex dynamics of human mobility, emphasizing its role in…

Governance, Migration, Peace, Policy, Politics, Public Sector/ Government