127 results returned.
It is transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. It does so by focusing on business standards. As such, it has become known for certifying...
It aims to "accelerate the transition to a just, zero-carbon economy by influencing banks to align their business strategies with the 1.5° target of the Paris Climate Agreement." To this...
An organization that "expresses the corporate social responsibility of the BBVA Group, in particular, its commitment to the advancement of the societies where it conducts its business activity." Consequently, it...
It is an independent research institute committed to the study and promotion of the rule of law throughout the world, defining and putting it into practice as a universal and...
Founded by Michael Bloomberg, this annual conference envisions a “thriving, inclusive future” where the private sector creates “societal good and indispensable impact in one or more of our pillars: trade,...
It uses “challenges” to engage an expanding network of 20,000+ professionals with poverty-related issues with products developed in 3 to 9 months. Projects are supported by specific donor organizations. Publications:...
The 100+ influential partner organizations as well as forward-thinking companies work to drive credible business action and policy ambition to achieve a nature-positive economy for all by 2030. To this...
It aims "to work with businesses to create a just and sustainable world.” They use insights, advisory services, and collaborations to enable business transformation to create long-term value for business...
It aims to "create a skilled, inclusive workforce today and for the future, build thriving communities in which to live and work, and innovate to repair and sustain our planet."...
It tries to promote "Moral Capitalism" as a means to "design the intellectual strategies, management tools, and practices to strengthen private enterprise and public governance to improve our global community."...