7 results returned.
Polycrisis: Probable; Remedies: Possible A wide variety of organizations and individuals have recently warned of multiple global crises. Some have used the term “polycrisis,” defined by the Cascade Institute...
Development, Disasters, Energy, Environment, Risks, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals
Download as PDF Introduction The war for Ukraine continues making the transition to the next global ‘normal’ more complicated, more chronologically unpredictable, and more costly. Indeed, in only the five...
Introduction The war for Ukraine has made the transition to the next global ‘normal’ overwhelmingly intense, chronologically unpredictable, and massively costly. Never before has a significant country had more...
The concept of Human Security While the traditional notion aims to defend a nation-state in its territorial integrity through increased military means, human security focuses on the individual. This concept...
Download as PDF 1. Prologue: A Lose-Lose War At the time of this writing, the vicious and unwarranted Russian invasion of Ukraine is still underway, with no end in sight....
Reporting on a Fragile World Widely appreciated, high-quality, evidence-based information and advocacy is needed to advance the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals--especially in light of the dual global setbacks...
Welcome to SSG February NewsLitter, written by a news-wonk who is ever less certain about what he knows…let alone all he can not. December intentions for this second offering were...