It aims “to develop transformative knowledge which is needed to pave the way towards sustainable societies through transdisciplinary research.” In this context, it works towards aligning “politics, culture, economy, and technologies” with it’s sustainability vision. To this end, it is undertaking “transdisciplinary, transformative and co-creative research”, with its labor is being guided by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Research projects:
- Blog
- A series of research dossiers
- An extensive library of academic research, policy briefs, fact sheets, papers, reports, etc.
- News
- Press
- Newsletter
- Breakdown or Breakthrough? Degrowth and the Great Transition (Blog article, Feb 2020): Argues that “commons-based systems can sustain flourishing while reducing material throughputs by up to 80%.”
- CO2 as an Asset: Challenges and potential for society (Nov 2016, 126p): Discusses the ” global interest in the research and development technologies which could make CO2 useful as a source of carbon.”
- Earth’s Future in the Anthropocene: Technological Interventions between Piecemeal and Utopian Social Engineering (Feb 2014, 5p)
- An online calendar of past and upcoming events
Note: Prof. Klaus Töpfer was the Founding and Executive Director of the IASS and the former Director-General of the UN Environment Programme.