It aims “to assist in organizing futures research, improve thinking about the future, and make that thinking available through a variety of media”. This unique organization is energized with 60 global “Nodes” contributing to its bi-annual “State of the Future” report integrating information on 15 Global Challenges.
The 15 Global Challenges:
- Special library on Global Scenarios, Lone Wolf Terrorism, Elements of the Next Global Economic System, Possibilities for Education and Learning in 2030, Future Global Ethical Issues, and Environmental Security.
- State of the Future series (2017, v.19.1, 140p., ~30$) – Gives an overview of humanity’s present situation, challenges and opportunities, potentials for the future, and actions and policies that could improve humanity’s outlook – in clear, precise, and readable text with unparalleled breadth and depth. Includes a 50-page report on “Future Work/Technology 2050”. Co-authored by Jerome C. Glenn and Elizabeth Florescu.
Note: The MP is distinctive for its “Node” structure, its breadth (arguably at the expense of depth), and attention to several topics that are widely neglected, e.g. (transnational organized crime, ethical decisions, various technologies, collaborative foresight). Although touted as futures research, it is more accurately seen as an ambitious integration of many current trends. SSG Principal David Harries formerly served as head of the Canadian Node. (MM)