250 results returned.
It works worldwide to address the root causes of the climate crisis and ensure the planet's long-term viability. It aims to combat climate change and protect the planet by altering...
It is the leading "provider of comprehensive waste management in North America, offering services that range from collection and disposal to recycling and renewable energy generation". It focuses on "maximizing...
It allows you to watch inspirational and award-winning content, interact with hundreds of nonprofits and take action instantly to improve our future on this planet. It has documentaries, locally-told stories,...
It looks into issues like environmental security and peacebuilding, sustainable development and climate resilience, as well as population and environmental dynamic. Hence, it acts as a "non-partisan policy forum for...
It aims to advance sustainability by providing "professional women who are engaged in creating a financially, environmentally, and socially sustainable future." This gives the women the opportunity to "professionally support...
It seeks to demonstrate “environmental protection coupled with economic growth". It also comprises a Regional Network of 60 national and regional partner organizations called Business Councils for Sustainable Development (BCSDs),...
It engages "energy leaders throughout the world to meet whole energy system challenges" and “promotes the sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest benefit of all people.” It...
It strives to develop “globally responsible leaders and sustainable communities” by connecting “international development professionals with universities, academics and international organizations." Its activities and services concentrate on "providing career-enhancing professional...
The World Future Council was formed to "speak on behalf of policy solutions that serve the interests of future generations", focusing on identifying and spreading effective, future-just policy solutions. It...
It offers an abundant amount of fact-based analysis and publications on critical global issues. The organization had a mission “to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world that meets human...