Old Subject: Rainforests

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6 results returned.
It works to "protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. To this end, it partners up with "indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns...

It aims to "promote the sustainable involvement, environmental conservation and improvement of the quality of life of communities residents and users of protected areas in the State of Amazonas." As...

The Coalition for Rainforest Nations is an intergovernmental organization that provides “diplomatic leadership through efforts across government, academia and industry to address the complex issues surrounding environmental sustainability specific to...

It's mission is to "support indigenous peoples and traditional populations of the world's rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfill their rights by assisting them in: Securing...

An environmental organization that strives to "protect and regenerate tropical rainforests by working with the people of the forests to develop sustainable livelihoods that empower and respect both people and...

It aims to contribute to "struggles, reflections and political actions of forest-dependent peoples, indigenous, peasants and other communities in the global South." Its main role is "to support struggles that...